
Basic Info:

  • Chemical Synonym(s): Alanin; H-ALA-OH; Fmoc-L-Ala-OH; Ritalanine; ALA; Expand
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  • CAS Number: 56-41-7
  • Chemical Formula:


  • MSDS: Download


1.161 g/cm3
Boiling Point
212.9ºC at 760 mmHg
Melting Point
Flash Point
Water Solubility
166.5 g/L (25 ºC)
5.5-6.5 (100g/l, H2O, 20℃)
White to almost white
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We help you source L-Alanine in China

Our Advantages:

We are currently dealing in lipoic acid, calcium gama-hydroxybutyrate and hyaluronic acid.
We have a great advantage in the supply chain of amino acids, a good amino acid plant needs to have fermentation advantages, high costs and barriers, and also high environmental requirements.
We know every amino acid plant in China and can provide you with the most accurate information.

We have a 20+ year track record of working with suppliers in China and rating reports on them, and we keep our suppliers updated with the latest news so our customers can get the latest supplier reports. We know the market well and have early warning notifications on upstream raw material prices to help you build a stable supply chain.

When selecting suppliers, our procurement specialists will audit the qualification of suppliers, conduct thorough investigations such as field visits and sample testing, and make ratings to ensure the authenticity and legality of supplier information.

We have a long-term stable cooperation with GLP laboratories, encounter customer test results and supplier test results do not match the situation, we will commission a third party to test to ensure the accuracy, authenticity and reliability of the experimental results. In this way, we can effectively control the product quality problems.

We have a long-term cooperative warehouse and can follow up packaging and labeling according to safety regulations and customer requirements. In order to effectively prevent damage to the goods in transit, we have prepared various reinforcement measures and packaging solutions.

We have a number of international freight companies with whom we have long-standing cooperation, and we can choose several route options according to the customer's requirements. For more difficult or urgent orders, we will prepare several alternative solutions to ensure safe and timely delivery.


We promise to immediately and unconditionally exchange or return the goods if they have quality problems. Our employees who deal with after-sales issues have many years of international work experience and are familiar with various processes in multinational work, so they can communicate and deal with after-sales issues without any obstacles.

Request a quote for L-Alanine


L-alanine is a non-essential amino acid, and the human body produces it that belongs to the group of amino acids known as aliphatic amines.

It is also classified as an aliphatic acetic acid, which contains both acetic acid and an alkyl group. Its structure is similar to that of glycine, but with one carbon atom replaced by hydrogen.

Bacteria and yeasts also produce it. It belongs to the group of amino acids called "dipeptides." it is slightly sweet and soluble in water.

This colorless crystalline solid is used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer and serves as a precursor for drugs such as N-methylglycine. It can find it in proteins such as casein, gluten, and soy protein.


L-Alanine is used for lowering cholesterol. It is used in toothpaste, shampoo, detergent, dishwashing liquids, skincare products, lotions, creams, hair dyes, and nail care products.

It is also used to make other chemicals like citric acid, acetic acid, adipic acid, and cyclohexanone.

It is also used in many different industries. In the food industry, it is often added to slices of bread and cheeses to add flavor. In the beverage industry, it is often added to soft drinks to add sweet/sour taste.

In the pharmaceutical industry, it is a component of several medications, including pain killers and anti-depressants. In cosmetics, it is a component of a lot of self-tanners. In the chemical industry, it is a component of a lot of fertilizers.

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