
Basic Info:

  • Chemical Synonym(s): ACN
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  • CAS Number: 75-05-8
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We help you source Acetonitrile in China

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We have a 20+ year track record of working with suppliers in China and rating reports on them, and we keep our suppliers updated with the latest news so our customers can get the latest supplier reports. We know the market well and have early warning notifications on upstream raw material prices to help you build a stable supply chain.

When selecting suppliers, our procurement specialists will audit the qualification of suppliers, conduct thorough investigations such as field visits and sample testing, and make ratings to ensure the authenticity and legality of supplier information.

We have a long-term stable cooperation with GLP laboratories, encounter customer test results and supplier test results do not match the situation, we will commission a third party to test to ensure the accuracy, authenticity and reliability of the experimental results. In this way, we can effectively control the product quality problems.

We have a long-term cooperative warehouse and can follow up packaging and labeling according to safety regulations and customer requirements. In order to effectively prevent damage to the goods in transit, we have prepared various reinforcement measures and packaging solutions.

We have a number of international freight companies with whom we have long-standing cooperation, and we can choose several route options according to the customer's requirements. For more difficult or urgent orders, we will prepare several alternative solutions to ensure safe and timely delivery.


We promise to immediately and unconditionally exchange or return the goods if they have quality problems. Our employees who deal with after-sales issues have many years of international work experience and are familiar with various processes in multinational work, so they can communicate and deal with after-sales issues without any obstacles.

Request a quote for Acetonitrile



CAS NO.: 75-05-8

Packaging:160kg/drum or ISO Tank



The most important use of acetonitrile is as a solvent. For example, as a solvent for extracting butadiene, as a solvent for synthetic fibres and as a solvent for some special paints. In petroleum industry, it is used as a solvent to remove tar, phenol and other substances from petroleum hydrocarbons. In the oil and grease industry as a solvent for the extraction of fatty acids from animal and vegetable oils, and in medicine as a reaction medium for the recrystallisation of steroidal drugs. A binary azeotropic mixture of acetonitrile and water is often used when a polar solvent with a high dielectric constant is required: it contains 84% acetonitrile and has a boiling point of 76℃. Acetonitrile is an intermediate for pharmaceuticals (vitamin B1), spices, and a raw material for the manufacture of homotriazine nitrogen fertiliser synergists. It is also used as denaturant of alcohol. In addition, it can also be used for the synthesis of ethylamine, acetic acid, etc., and has many uses in fabric dyeing and lighting industry.

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