Plastic additives

All compounds used to polymerize, alter, or modify the end-use qualities of plastics are referred to as plastic additives.

Sourcing Plastic Additives in China

China is currently a very important producer in the production of plastic additives, com 168, 1010, DSTDP, DLTDP, 977 e 365 being the most produced of all in the world. O preço dos aditivos plásticos varia significativamente com o óleo, enquanto a correlação de custos entre antioxidantes e óleo de palma é alta. Desde 2020, o número de eventos de cisne negro no mundo aumentou, resultando em mudanças dramáticas nos preços das matérias-primas. Empresas como a UPP, MÚSICAS, PMC, LG, etc. foram alertados por nós a tempo e evitaram muitas perdas.

Aditivos de plástico na China (1)
Veja nossos produtos em destaque

Nossa experiência

We started our resin raw materials business in 2009, e agora estamos trabalhando com 12 10,000 fábricas de toneladas localizadas em Shandong, Jiangsu, Guangdong e Liaoning, comprando mais de 1000 toneladas por ano. Desde 2009, we have supplied more than 20 tipos de matérias-primas de resina e várias resinas para mais de 30+ clientes, incluindo Kolon, Hanwha, Com, Basileia e outras empresas famosas.

Nossas vantagens

Suppose you are not familiar with the Chinese market. In that case, you will most likely choose to purchase from companies such as SINOPEC and Petrochemical, whose communication is inefficient while giving you high prices. And the payment terms of these companies are not flexible, and most of them will require payment in advance.

The advantage of working with us is that we have a very good relationship with each resin raw material factory.

  • We can get better prices, solve quotas for key raw materials, and help you get the goods first.
  • We can provide financial support and give you flexible payment options.
  • We have rich experience in chemical ships, ISO tank and other transportation methods, and we can provide competitive prices.

Working with us, we can guarantee you quality, timely delivery, fast response and flexible payment. We can help you to solve all the risks of quality and payment

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Lisa Cho - Gerente de vendas

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