Aditivos alimentares

Food additives are synthetic or natural substances added to food to improve the color, sabor, taste and other qualities, as well as for the preservation and processing process needs. Atualmente, China has 23 categories of food additives, with more than 2000 varieties.

Sourcing Food Additives in China

China's total food additive output accounts for about 15% of the international food additive trade, in some special varieties, which has taken an important position in the international arena.

Atualmente, há cerca de 3,000 food additive manufacturers in China, with a wide variety and different strengths. Although China's total export volume is large, the scale of manufacturers is relatively small. Its competition is also very fierce, coupled with the state control of food additive manufacturers in recent years.

Problems you may face if you are not familiar with the Chinese market:

  • Many and varied suppliers, which cannot provide the appropriate certificates and services.
  • Difficulty in finding suitable plants, as they are all small in size.
  • New additives, formulations, etc., for which suppliers cannot be found easily.
  • Product quality or price fluctuation.
Food additives
Veja nossos produtos em destaque

Our Experience About Food Additives

Our company started to export food additives in 2011, and our suppliers are all factories with many years of export experience and familiar with quality standards of various countries.

Our advantageous products are benzoic acid, benzoato de sódio, eritritol, ácido sórbico, citric acid, capsaicin, xylitol, etc. All of our suppliers have established good long-term cooperation with customers in the United States, Coréia, Japão, etc.

Nos últimos anos, with the rise of China's food additive industry, our company started to focus on nutritional additives and compounding type products from 2018. The factories we are currently cooperating with are all big factories with leading technology in China, so the technology and quality are guaranteed at the same time. We can also develop new formulations according to customers' requirements.

Nossas vantagens

  • Rich export experience, familiar with all kinds of products and able to provide various certificates.
  • Familiar with the Chinese market and able to give the most suitable price and quality.
  • Able to develop new products according to customers' requirements.
  • Agende uma Amostra

Nossos produtos em destaque

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“Vamos tentar o nosso melhor para lhe fornecer o melhor serviço de qualidade”
Lisa Cho - Gerente de vendas

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