API refers to raw materials used in the production of various types of preparations of drugs

APIs in China

Our company has more than 20 years of experience in the field of APIs and we are able to provide all services from R&D a la producción a la exportación. We know very well the differences and advantages between each manufacturer in China, and we are also very familiar with the registration requirements of our target markets. We have our own manufacturing plant and we have cooperation with more than 100 API plants. We also have our own API registration team that can provide technical and documentary support to the factories.

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Our Experience About APIs

Our company has a pharmaceutical team with about 20 años de experiencia. We can provide quality services from R&D, pilot testing, manufacturing, filing and export of a new drug. We have been providing API customization services to more than 20 countries including Japan, Corea, USA, Europa, South America, Eastern Europe, etc.. We are very familiar with the registration needs of our target markets and the differences and advantages of each manufacturer in China.

Nuestras ventajas

We have our own R&D team in Shanghai and our own manufacturing plants in Shandong, Ningxia and Jiangxi. We produce 50+ pharmaceutical intermediates and APIs.

We currently work with nearly 100 API manufacturers. We understand the production cost and availability of most APIs, so we can control the price and quality of our procurement very well. Our API registration team can help factories with a lot of technical and documentation support.

Asi que, if you are buying APIS from China, there are two ways.

  • Work with a large registered manufacturer. They have a team that can provide a lot of raw material registration materials, but the price is expensive
  • Find a professional service team like SUNCHEM. We provide a relatively new factory. Maybe they are not very big, but they are more professional in production. We help them to register, standardize management, provide superior pharmaceutical intermediates, and then help them to interface with international customers.
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“Haremos todo lo posible para brindarle un servicio de la mejor calidad”
Lisa Cho - Gerente de ventas

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