Antioxidant DMTDP

Informations de base:

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  • Numero CAS: 16545-54-3
  • Formule chimique:


  • FDS: Télécharger

Les caractéristiques: 

Apparence & État physique
White crystalline flakes
Point de fusion
48 - 53ºC
Point de rupture
Indice de réfraction
La pression de vapeur
1.69E-15mmHg at 25°C
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We specialise in special food additives with the main aim of providing people with the best quality ingredients for life.
Our main products are benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, erythritol, sorbic acid, etc.

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Demander un devis pourAntioxidant DMTDP

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Antioxidant DLTDP is commonly known as "DL" ou "DLT." DLTDP (dihydrolipoic acid), also known as DHLA (Dihydrolipoic acid) and lipoic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that can be used topically or internally.

It helps to protect cells from the effects of free radicals generated by oxidative stress due to pollution, a bad diet or a sedentary lifestyle. It is a by-product of the dehydration of corn syrup.It has the primary function of acting as an antioxidant in food products.

Antioxidant DLTDP is a synthetic antioxidant produced from DL-tocopherol and tert-dodecyl thiophene. It is obtained from L-tryptophan by alkali hydrolysis and distillation. It is a white amorphous powder, which is freely soluble in water.


Antioxidant DLTDP is a popular antioxidant used as a food additive and medicinally for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. DLTDP is a lipoic acid derivative that is used in the body in two ways.

Première, it is used to recycle other antioxidants within the body, including Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Pycnogenol. Deuxième, it is used to recycle SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) in the body.

DLTDP is a unique antioxidant used in the food and beverage industry and is available in both liquid and powder form. It is used in dietary supplements and is available in different flavors, and it is also used in different flavors and colors.

These can be used in baby food, soft drinks, bakery products and any products which require preservation and nutritional enrichment. It is also used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry and is available in powder and tablet form for oral consumption.

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